And Now For Something (Kind of, But Not Entirely) Completely Different

Something different for me and my writing/publishing game, at least.

Murray "MJ" Blehart


reading an ebook. something kind of but not completely different
Photo by Dip Devices on Unsplash

As I’m sure you’re sick of reading by now — I started writing sci-fi when I was 9 years old. Wildfire is a 50-page, illustrated book you will never read.

After Wildfire, I started but didn’t finish a few other projects. Then, at age 13, I typed The Secret Computer World. (This was 1985, people. Typing a story on a computer was a bit of a novelty, still). You’ll never read this 36-page, single-spaced book, either.

In High School, I won a prize for a technothriller short story I wrote called Secrets Withheld. Like the above — you’ll never read this, either. Partially because I got over technothrillers after my teens.

Over the years. I’d go on to write in fits and starts. A few words here, a partial story there.

Then, bored during work one day, I wrote a scene. It featured a sorcerer doing sorcerer things — not too unlike many other sword and sorcery stories. Eventually, this would lead to , the first novel of my Source Chronicles fantasy series. For the record, the scene I originally wrote only appears — in part — in the finished novel as a flashback.



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