Member-only story
Are You Falling Behind on Your 2021 NaNoWriMo Project?
There are 3 choices available to you if you are falling behind.
Many writers and would-be writers love November. That’s because this is National Novel Writer’s Month!
There is a challenge put out by NaNoWriMo to spend the 30 days of this month writing. The goal? 50,000 words. To meet this goal, you need to write 1667.67 words every day for the 30 days of November.
With my blogs, I tend to write at least 1000 words a day. But I choose not to count my blogs towards my NaNoWriMo word count. Instead, I apply only the words of fiction that I write.
Normally, I strive to write 1500 words of fiction a day. Adding another 167+ is no big deal, right?
Over on the NaNoWriMo site, they offer numerous handy tools to track your progress. There is a graph on the stats page to show you where you are with your overall progress and ability to achieve the 50,000-word count.
Over the past week or so, other matters have taken priority of my time. This includes my freelance gigs, going over the edits on my upcoming novel, and recording the audiobook of it. Thus, my writing time has been sacrificed.
As of this writing, I have written a total of 9274 words. That’s a decent number of…