Member-only story
Being a Warrior Can be Wearisome
Some of the battles fought on intangible battlefields are just as real and exhausting as physical combat.
You and I live in a complicated day and age.
Last century, many battles were waged to create better equality in the world, give voices and rights to those who did not have them, and raise up peoples who were kept down due to gender, skin color, sexual preference, or what-have-you.
I know that I thought we had won most of those battles. Hell, we elected a black President early into the 21st century. But the forces we thought to be defeated, it turns out, only went into hiding. Now they have returned, and due to current leadership on many levels feel empowered.
Maybe it was naïve of me to think the battles were won…but I don’t believe that’s the case. Many of the battles were won…but the war never ended.
New soldiers are taking up this battle, but that’s true on both sides. Yet I know that the side of equality, rights for all, kindness, and justice will ultimately prevail. Optimistic? Maybe…but I also am pretty sure that we outnumber the racists, misogynists, bigots, homophobes, and the like.
Unfortunately, they are very loud and have a lot of money to back their causes. But as Plato said,
“An empty vessel makes the loudest…