Member-only story
Complain and Spin Out or Complain, Accept, and Move On?
It’s normal to complain, but what comes next is a choice.
I know some people who can and will complain about just about anything and everything you can imagine.
This, that, or the other thing — they’ll complain about it. Sometimes they will drone on and on — even years and years after whatever it is they are complaining about.
Has anyone ever gotten anywhere by complaining? Not to my knowledge. Sure, when you have a legit complaint and bring it to the attention of certain authorities, you might get recompense or some other repair to a given problem or situation. But I think that’s because there’s a difference between a complaint and complaining.
A complaint is an of-the-moment, there’s a problem matter. Hair in your food at a restaurant, package delivery that didn’t deliver, and horrendous customer service creating a complaint are actionable. Complaining about how that person hurt you 40 years ago is not. That is how a complaint and complaining differ.
And this is a choice. You get to decide if you will complain and spin out, or complain and let something go.