Member-only story
Content is King
Ignoring content will be to your detriment.
Yes, I write a lot. I blog 6 days a week, plus my podcast and my fiction works. I probably write on the order of 3000 words a day. Six days a week that’s 18,000 words a week. For the sake of argument, let’s decrease that to 15,000 words a week. Which, in a year, amounts to 780,000 words total. That’s a lot of words (far more than in the English language as a whole).
However, these many, many words aren’t worth a damn towards my brand as an author if they never see the light of day. Which means content.
Content takes a lot of forms. The obvious is books. A book with zero content is a blank journal. Awesome for filling with content, but otherwise a blank canvas.
A website with zero content is non-existent. Or just a page with some form of “under construction” or the like upon it.
You can build a website and then leave it out there for the world to find, see, and explore. But — without updating content regularly it becomes just as obscure as an actor who hasn’t been seen on stage, screen, or film in 25 years.
As a brand, to be seen and appear in searches on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and the like — content is king. That means updating webpages, writing blogs, and keeping the content fresh and ongoing.