Do I Adjust My Life’s Path — or — Does the Path Adjust Me?

The answer is Yes. Both the path and I adjust in various ways.

Murray "MJ" Blehart
6 min readJan 12, 2022


The only constant in the entire Universe is Change.

I repeat that a lot. Why? Because it can have a truly amazing impact on our life experiences when we recognize, acknowledge, and accept this truth.

Everything you know — all the comfort zones you exist in — has changed before. They will change again. And then, after they change — they’ll still change.

No matter how resistant to change anyone is — they’ve experienced it. The infant became a toddler. The toddler became an adolescent. Then, the adolescent became a teen. Adulthood, after these, has multiple stages, too.

The point is — change is inevitable. It happens, fast and slow, big and small, desired and unwanted. Change happens.

Many people, recognizing this, wonder — why should I bother to try to control anything at all?

Because that’s part of the life experience for everyone. We’re capable of creating amazing things — both tangible and intangible. Doing so, however, requires a modicum of control.

For example — I have a great idea for a sci-fi story. To take it from idea to reality — I take control of change. I must choose to make the time to do the writing, and then all the other steps if I desire to publish it and share it with you. That’s a matter of taking control of my time, actions, thoughts, feelings, intentions — and like matters that I can control.

That’s a path that I choose.

But if change is constant and inevitable — do I adjust the path or does the path adjust me?

An ever-shifting perspective

The only time that’s real is now. This moment. The present.

The past has passed and been colored, altered, and otherwise varied by our beliefs, biases, values, and more. And it’s done and over, frankly. It can’t be undone, redone, or changed. And the future is uncertain, unknown, and unwritten. But this moment — literally now — is truly, really real.



Murray "MJ" Blehart

I explore mindfulness, positivity, philosophy, & conscious reality creation. I love to help & inspire. And I also write sci-fi/fantasy.