Member-only story
Do I Choose to Push the Limits?
With health and wellness, tangible vs intangible limits impact how I can or can’t push.
A great many limits we see in this world are artificial.
Someone decided to create a line. That’s the limit. No crossing it.
In reality, the limit is utterly artificial. It’s not a true limit, it was created by someone for one reason or another — good or bad.
Because of the creation of artificial limits, we end up with false beliefs in lack and scarcity — where none exist. This is especially complicated when we get into intangibles like time, love, and so on.
Even when it comes to tangibles, some limits are artifice. Money, jobs, resources — nearly all of these get limits placed on them to specifically empower a small few over the greater many.
You and I are often only as limited as we allow ourselves to believe. For the most part, because consciousness creates reality, there are tons of things we can do, be, and have — far beyond what we might presently believe.
When it comes to health and wellness, this is still true. However — there ARE certain limitations due not to intangibles, but tangibles such as physiology.