Hate Disempowers Everyone

Don’t let the haters win.

Murray "MJ" Blehart


A sign that says Hate has no home here. Hate Disempowers Everyone
Photo by chris robert on Unsplash

Hatred is based in fear. Fear of change, fear of the unknown, fear of things, beliefs, and ideas that are different. Hate is an extreme emotion that fearmongers love to employ to gather followers and to taint viewpoints for their own gain.

Yes, the ludicrously long election cycle in America is about to get more focused, and a lot of what has already preceded this is a ton of hatred, fear, words to inspire terror, hopelessness, and anger to drive people to vote from a dangerously unstable emotional space. But you and I have the power to not let this be the dominant force of change. We can recognize and acknowledge the hate being spewed without returning it. You and I can take a more generative, centered, and proactive stand.

Yes, this thing may appear to be a huge, insurmountable juggernaut. How can I have any impact on that awfulness? By being mindful of your thoughts, feelings, actions, approach, and intentions, you empower yourself. When you’re empowered, you can see the hate more clearly and find reason to counter it.

That’s the key. Because hate is an aspect of fear, like fear it’s best countered by reason. Unfortunately, reason tends to get bound, gagged, and thrown into the trunk during elections. This is a sad irony, as this is the time you and I should most apply reason…



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