Member-only story
How Much Time Do You Live For?
Living for the weekend shouldn’t be all life is about.
There are any number of people I know who live for the weekend. Away from work and responsibility, time with friends and family and other matters.
If you give this enough thought, though, you may realize that if you only live for two days a week, that means you spend five of those days…well, if not living, then what?
If we break it down further, let’s say you work eight hours a day those five days. Add in commute times and such, and call that fifty hours. This means that 50 of 168 hours of your week go to work — that’s about a third of your life every week right there.
The rest of a given weekday, if not being lived, when you are awake, let’s guess amounts to another eight hours a day (for a total of 18 waking hours per 24 hour day) so that’s another 40 hours of your week. Combined with the 50 hours working and commuting, that amounts to 90 of 168 hours in a week — or over half of your week not being lived.
Going with being awake about 18 hours a day, that means that you spend 36 hours total living. Thirty six of a 168 amounts to just over twenty percent of your total week living.
Which is inaccurate, since we need to change the total number. Postulating six hours of sleep per night, that means you spend 42…