Member-only story
I Chose to Change
Don’t like something about yourself? You can decide to change it.
When I graduated from High School, I chose to move halfway across the country to attend college. I was the only person in my graduating class of 470 to go to this college that year.
College was a life-changing experience for me. While yes, I earned a degree (that seldom serves me), more than that, I gained independence as an individual. This started to mold who I was and developed an attachment through friendships I had made to the northeastern United States.
I had decided to uproot and remake who I was. The first few months were rough, but eventually, I felt that I found my place, and would never return to the ‘burbs of Minneapolis — where I grew up — for more than a visit.
However, despite these changes in my life, fundamentally I was lost. In my 20s I was on a frequent, never-ending quest to figure out who I was, what I wanted to do, who I wanted to be. That quest, externally, manifested itself in bouncing from relationship to relationship, job to job, even home to home.
My inner self was full of turmoil. Constantly, I saw nothing but lack, insufficiency, and scarcity for all the things I desired my life to be.