New Space, Same Shit

A change of scenery is not a magic bullet.

Murray "MJ" Blehart


A person in a dark space holding up a lantern. New space, same shit.
Photo by NEOM on Unsplash

My wife and I have just moved into a new home. Despite incredibly uncertain times, political insanity across the country, an insane economy, and all else, we bought a house.

For the first time in more than a decade, my office space is wholly my own (as in not limited by being a rented apartment space or a shared space in the home). As part of that, before moving in, I painted it my favorite shade of blue.

I have read that blue is one of the best colors for productivity. So, bonus! In the space where I do nearly all my work, being enfolded in my favorite color with the extra value of increased productivity is a huge win.

So, why is nothing coming to me for this weekly post?

I’ve spent almost two hours in front of my keyboard pondering a topic. That was getting me nowhere. So, I read some other blogs to see if they inspired me. Nope. I took a shower. That made me feel a bit better, but still nothing.

New space, same shit.

Ah, but there is a lesson here. The lesson is this — It all comes from within.

No matter what “it” is, the origin is inside me. New space, same shit, but that’s not a bad thing. It’s still an opportunity.



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