Sharing My Book Happenings Over the Next Two Weeks

Indie-author self-promotion is utterly necessary.

Murray "MJ" Blehart
6 min readNov 14, 2023


book happenings
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

As I’m writing this, I have multiple things happening in my indie-author world. This is the result of a lot of work on a lot of different levels over the past couple of months.

Let’s start with the immediate, most time-sensitive element:

My standalone fantasy/Steampunk, rise of the villain novel, Infamy Ascending, is FREE for Kindle this week, until 11/17.

Why make it free? Because I think it’s an excellent read, and I’m using it as a funnel to gather more readers. Do you like this book? I have multiple others available for you to peruse.

The other reason it’s free for Kindle this week is because, as of Tuesday, 11/28, Infamy Ascending will be available to the world for wide distribution. That means lots of new avenues for eBooks and paperback.

Going wide-distribution has been an interesting challenge. Partially because I’ve had to create a “new” version of the book for the new channels. But opening myself and my works to this broader audience is an important step in growing my authorpreneur business.

This is all very exciting. Equally, and in some respects more exciting on this front is this:



Murray "MJ" Blehart

I explore mindfulness, positivity, philosophy, & conscious reality creation. I love to help & inspire. And I also write sci-fi/fantasy.