Member-only story
“They” Don’t Care About You and Me
Mindfulness empowers you and me to care and make real change in the world.
Big business. Government. Religion. Each of these entities, separately and combined, are the “they” of the world around you and me. Each uses money, fear, faux-power, influence, and the bully pulpit to sway you and me to their ideals, buy their products, elect their officials, accept their morality, and the like.
This is both subtle and blatant. Big business tends to be blatant, utilizing advertising to play on your fears, sell sex, and convince you and me that our lives are lacking without the product or service they’re selling. Government is both, creating false narratives around “us” versus “them”, pitting liberals against conservatives while picking the pockets of both in a variety of blatant and subtle ways. Religion tends to be more subtle, implying the displeasure of the Almighty and suffering in an afterlife that may or may not exist. Sin against the almighty and there will be consequences.
Then you get manipulated into arguments, fights, and wars over which religious entity, government, and/or business has it right.
There is, however, one inescapable truth about all of these entities. The “they” that they are. It’s this: “They” don’t care about you and me.