Member-only story
Very Little In Life is Either/Or
You seldom experience or live the extremes.
Everywhere you look the extremes are being emphasized. Rich and poor. Black and white. Brilliant and idiotic. Exciting and terrifying. Liberal and conservative. Good and evil. Extremes and opposites here, there, and everywhere.
Worse than this, many push the viewpoint that you are either/or, for or against this, that, or the other thing. This extreme viewpoint is touted as the only viewpoint and opposite another.
What’s more, the notion of either/or being your only choice between extremes and nothing else is utterly disempowering. It emphasizes things you have little to no control over and then shames you if you ignore them. It’s rather insidious when you think about it.
But, and here’s the other problem, most people don’t truly “think” about it. That’s because the tremendous emphasis on this, that, or the other extreme and its opposite creates artificial limits. It focuses on lack, scarcity, and insufficiency in a way that’s plausible but is truly unrealistic.
It all comes down to this: very little in life is either/or.
The in-between
I write about this frequently in my positivity blogs. While the opposite of positive is negative, these are the extremes…