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What Have You Got That You Can Express Appreciation and Gratitude For Today?
Appreciation and gratitude have the power to change the world.
There is nothing in the world quite so powerful as appreciation and gratitude to build positivity and balance our life experiences.
Expressing what we are grateful for is about as pure a positive act as you can create. Taking note of and stating the things we are appreciative and are genuinely grateful for is always positive. Expressing appreciation and gratitude is an act of kindness and compassion.
Recognizing the good things we have in our lives — and giving thanks for them — is incredibly powerful. Further, it can give us a sense of perspective that is surprisingly easy to forget. When we start to give thanks, we almost always inadvertently find more and more things to be grateful for.
Material or immaterial makes no difference
Gratitude can be expressed for the tangible and intangible, material and immaterial, on levels great and small, and everything in between. The act of finding things for which to be grateful can stir a lot of positive emotions.
It is tremendously difficult to make improvements and changes in your life without being appreciative and…