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Why the Language You Use Reflects Your Approach
Connecting mindfulness more clearly.
Words matter. What you say often reflects your inner being and provides insight into your thoughts, feelings, intentions, and approach.
Approach is a recent addition to my view toward active conscious awareness — i.e., mindfulness. Yet, on close examination, it holds up with the rest of the bits and pieces that go into it.
Thought is where everything that makes you, you, begins. Not only that, but thought is how all things in the world today, yesterday, and tomorrow are made manifest. Thought is the point of origin for everything.
Feeling is how thought is energized. Feeling is made of two components — what and how. What is the name for feelings, like anger and joy. How is the presentation of the feeling, like red-hot anger or butterflies-in-the-stomach joy.
Intent is the why of combining thought and feeling. You had the thought, mixed it with feeling, and now you have intention. This is how you make, do, or be this, that, or the other thing.
Action is the doing. Thought, combined with feeling, and given intention, leads to action. Or not. There’s always a choice. However, nothing can be made manifest with intent if you don’t apply mindfulness to it.